You know the moment: the faint sound of a cough from the next room. The sudden attack of sniffles at the dinner table. The realization that a half-full box of Kleenex is now dangerously close to empty.
Your kid is sick… and you’re bracing yourself for the storm.
Because usually, when ONE person gets sick, the WHOLE FAMILY winds up feeling it (and for moms, that means taking care of everyone else while not feeling your usual fab self). During cold season or Covid surges, it can feel like a continuous cycle of getting sick, feeling like garbage, then getting better… only to go through it all over again — yikes!
You’re never going to stop your family from getting sick altogether. But what you CAN do is help to shorten the duration and intensity of your family’s symptoms, and reduce the chance that a simple cold will turn into something more aggressive, like bronchitis or pneumonia.
The secret? Keeping your family’s immune systems supercharged and ready to go!
In this week’s episode of The Healthy AF Mom Show, I dig into the nuts and bolts of the immune system: how and why it works the way it does, what can happen when it becomes unbalanced, and how you can best support it naturally!
Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:
The differences between the innate immune system and the humoral immune system — and why they must be kept in delicate balance
How to keep your family’s gut microbiomes happy and flourishing (and how to fit in probiotics)
The top three items that you should ALWAYS have on hand in your medicine cabinet
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